Drop-off & Pick-up Procedures

Please click on the link below for important information (and a map) explaining our student drop-off and pick-up procedures.

Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures


1. There are two lanes of traffic in front of our school. The one closest to the building is the drop off line. The other is a live lane where traffic will pull out from the drop off line to exit or might be driving through to park in the parking lot. The parking spaces in front of the building are for staff only. No one may pull out of those spaces during drop off or pick up times.

2. Please drive slowly and be aware that cars will be moving in and out of the traffic area.

3. There is no left-hand turn when exiting our driveway M-F from 7:30 a.m.-8:00 a.m. and from 2:20 p.m.-2:50 p.m. M, T, TH, F (1:10-1:40 W).

4. Please pull all the way up to the end of the sidewalk in front of the school when you are unloading children. The line slows down when all the spaces to the end of the sidewalk are not filled.

5. No one is allowed to pass a bus with flashing red lights. Yellow flashing lights are warnings and you may pass a bus with yellow flashing lights. If you are in the live lane and a bus is unloading, you must wait behind the bus. 

6. The drop off lane in front of the school is a live lane of moving traffic. You may not park or leave your car in this lane. School personnel will help your child exit or enter your car safely. Make sure the children are seated on the right side or passenger’s side of the car. They may not enter or exit the driver’s side of the car as this is the live lane and very dangerous.

7. At drop off time, if you would like to park and say good-bye to your child at the front door, you may park in the street spaces and use the sidewalk to safely proceed to the doors.

8. Car Drop-Offs begin at 7:40am. School doors close at 7:55am. Attendance is taken at 8:00am. Students who are not present in their classrooms at 8:00am will be marked absent. Students arriving late to school must stop in the office to report that they are present and to receive a tardy slip.

9. Watch for pedestrians in crosswalks and on the sides of the road.

10. Please use crosswalks. Do not walk in front of or between cars or busses in either the live lane or drop-off/pick-up lane.

11. Students are dismissed from two doors only. Bus Riders and Car Pick Ups exit the main door. Walkers exit the doorway near the right corner of the building (looking at the building). Pets: By state law, no animals are allowed on school property without specific permission from the principal. In such cases, precautions are taken and arrangements made to ensure that there are no allergies to the animals and that the environment is safe. These times would include show and tell or the like, not drop off or dismissal times.

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